Design + Art Direction
Fortune 500 company with over 1200 employees in one building requested a campaign to reduce congestion in elevators by familiarizing employees with stairwell locations. The goal was to reduce wait times in elevators by encouraging employees to take the stairs, and also align with their corporate Be Well health initiative.
I conceived and created this campaign to add some levity to the subject and also to be a directional tool. The idea behind the “Just one flight” campaign was to bring awareness of the health benefits of taking just one flight of stairs.
The campaign launch materials had a stairwell tracker, stickers given to stair users, and information about ongoing incentives to keep employees engaged.
Corporate did see a 10-15% reduction in elevator traffic and new-regular stair users.
• 5 door cling posters
• Brochure to track stair usage
• Stickers/acknowledgement for taking the stairs
• Banners (not shown)
• Elevator button stickers
Fortune 500 company with over 1200 employees in one building requested a campaign to reduce congestion in elevators by familiarizing employees with stairwell locations. The goal was to reduce wait times in elevators by encouraging employees to take the stairs, and also align with their corporate Be Well health initiative.
I conceived and created this campaign to add some levity to the subject and also to be a directional tool. The idea behind the “Just one flight” campaign was to bring awareness of the health benefits of taking just one flight of stairs.
The campaign launch materials had a stairwell tracker, stickers given to stair users, and information about ongoing incentives to keep employees engaged.
Corporate did see a 10-15% reduction in elevator traffic and new-regular stair users.
• 5 door cling posters
• Brochure to track stair usage
• Stickers/acknowledgement for taking the stairs
• Banners (not shown)
• Elevator button stickers